Friday, July 22, 2011

lara dutta wallpapers

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  • reggoboy
    Apr 8, 08:33 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Does this make Apple peta-philes? ;-)

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  • *LTD*
    Mar 20, 05:23 AM

    Time to end state-sanctioned murder in order to make a point.

    An enlightened society does not kill people under the law - either as punishment or for retribution. We don't answer murder with additional murder.

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  • The ArchAngel
    Apr 7, 08:42 AM
    I got a weird bug. Sometimes my albums in the photos app go right to the top of the screen and show underneath the 'menubar' at the top so I can tap on it and open the first album in the list. If I pull it back down on the rubberband effect it still goes to the top of the screen?! I have to restart my phone for it to reset and its still hit and miss whether it works.

    I have experienced this twice since upgrading to 4.3.1. I also have a strange bug (much more frequent) where the title bar in the Mail app periodically shows no text, and the arrow buttons to move to the previous screen show no text either. Strange, but more an annoyance than anything.

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  • Image Gallery of Lara Dutta

  • AppleCode
    Aug 4, 08:05 AM
    August Desktop


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  • AndyUnderscoreR
    Mar 23, 05:58 PM
    One tip I have for those clients who want to change absolutley every little detail... explain that you are happy to change it all for an extra fee, and you'll even offer a lower hourly rate since you're not being asked to do anything creative, but remind them that they will end up with a site designed by an amateur to their personal, individual taste, rather than the site designed by a professional and designed to appeal to their whole customer base that they've already paid for.

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  • bamaworks
    Jun 23, 05:10 PM
    Great condition hinges, would make a good replacement for worn out or broken hinges. Happened to replace my display bezel and it came with new hinges so I have an extra pair to get rid of. Pictures on request.

    Both for $12 shipped to CONUS.

    Paypal only.


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  • Ann P
    Aug 12, 12:09 AM
    Isn't the perspective in that wallpaper all messed up? There's no vanishing point!

    Here's the original.

    I'm guessing the poster photoshopped the man on the bike out and thus explains your question. :) By the way, would anyone be able to do the same and re-post this wallpaper? I would appreciate it.

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  • kre62
    Mar 26, 08:49 PM
    Wow, a lot of unethical people on here. This is totally a scam, and the seller relied on the buyer assuming he was a normal upstanding human being who was selling a legitimate product. There is no way that is right, ethical, or moral. The seller deserves to be jailed.


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  • sarchie
    Mar 4, 09:17 AM
    I back up all my images onto a WD Elements external harddrive. I have had no issues until yesterday. I pluged in the hd to my macpro and no blue light and could not find it on my computer. Any ideas?

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  • aus_dave
    Aug 17, 07:35 PM
    Right on the edge - 37,038 bytes :D.


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  • mcmlxix
    Mar 25, 11:42 AM
    I've been thinking about that: remember when there were rumors of OS X delays because the Mac team was pulled onto the iOS team in order to get 3.0 out? I'm wondering if the opposite is happening now - the iOS team has been pulled onto the Lion team in order to get Lion ready for a summer launch.

    This begs another question.

    I know Apple likes to have very agile teams that can be pulled into whichever project needs the most attention at the time, but if OS X is taking a hit because of iOS, iOS is taking a hit because of OS X, iWork hasn�t been refreshed, let alone iWork for iOS, etc, etc, it sounds like Apple just needs more engineers.

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  • 40167
    Sep 24, 06:17 PM
    So this kid is a straight A student and is very bright. But he argues with his parents a lot and, like any other teenager, is disrespectful. Should any of these factors influence a parent's decision? On one hand, he has proven to be responsible, saving money and getting good grades. On the other hand, he's moody and often shuts himself off from the rest of the family.

    Well no mater how you might feel about it, the thing is.. if a person really wants to do something, they will do it. If you don't allow it, he would probibly just do it behind your back. I think youd prefer him being straight forward.

    Then you have the age thing, he is 18... and you can't exactly tell him no straight out; but since he (im assuming this part) still lives with you, you would be able to (from a legal point) say "if you do it, you aren't allowed to live here" - Would I take it that far? Nope. I think you should just trust your children; he's proven that hes an intelligent person. Just because hes disrespectful doesn't mean he would do anything stupid; I think all kids are disrepectful at some point anyway.


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  • VivianeT
    Apr 23, 09:56 PM
    Please HELP!!!!!! I have to delete duplicates masters.
    I am using Aperture 3
    There has to be a way!!

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  • shartypants
    Apr 30, 07:22 PM
    Castle does imply security, good code name. I'm looking forward to what MobileMe becomes.


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  • psychometry
    Oct 5, 05:44 PM
    I did, in fact, mean using JavaScript on page load to disable the user from changing the size of the textarea, not within my browser. It's like using CSS to disable the dotted border Firefox puts around links when they are active.

    Form elements, and the divs that contain them, often need either fixed widths or have widths that are proportional to their containers.

    Take Google ( Depending on how the layout is set up (this is just hypothetical), resizing the search box would push those three links next to it off into oblivion if they were all in a div that was fixed or proportional to the page width. It doesn't matter if Safari "dynamically redraws the page" since the div would still be calculated to be the same. Worse yet, depending on its overflow attribute, they could be pushed onto a new line.

    I'd really not like to see Safari become the next IE 5. It already has its share of JavaScript bugs. This would just mean us designers would have to spend that much more time envisioning what would happen if a user resized every form element on every page and incorporating it into our layouts. This is why I hope there's a way to disable it outright.

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  • Blow up tre1
    Sep 5, 07:52 PM
    Played around with geektool a bit.
    Still need to tidy it up a bit.
    Wallpaper is found on DA same with all the icons, etc


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  • HiRez
    Apr 7, 01:20 PM
    Wow, that is completely awesome! Now we need the Colecovision emulator and games, and Namco and Nintendo packs...

    It shows you how amazing these games were that they can still make money on them over 30 years later.

    lara dutta wallpapers. Re: Lara Dutta Sedussing On
  • Re: Lara Dutta Sedussing On

  • Jason Beck
    Mar 31, 12:14 PM
    I'm guessing this is sarcasm.

    It is a toy. You can't seriously think that professionals are going to depend on Photoshop for iPad and throw away their computer can you? That's like throwing away your computer because GarageBand is also available on the iPad, and attempting to produce an album on an iPad. Impossible.

    No matter what Steve says, it is a toy! I think it is brilliant you can do these things on such a simple product for the average user, but they are nothing more than for... the average user.

    +1 I know I won't.

    If it had a fully functional lightroom.. thats another story.

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  • cmaier
    Apr 4, 04:12 PM
    On a side note, I wonder whether Apple violates competition rules. When I remember correctly, the iPad had a considerable market share on the tablet market. One could argue that Apple abuses its market position to impose their own (unfair) conditions on publishers.

    They don't compete with publishers, and the "tablet market" is not probably too narrow a definition of a "market" (more likely, anti-trust authorities would be interested in the overall "pc" market or the "mobile" market.)

    Oct 29, 12:52 PM
    i see some numbers under each person and alot of people have the same number (mine shows 6502a) and other people just have titles what to the numbers mean?

    Dec 28, 02:10 AM
    Isn't there a thread about this already?

    Apr 4, 12:38 PM
    And I'll just admit I'm not upset cause this doesn't affect me, I don't do early upgrades. Talk to me when they increase the price of the regular upgrade fee.

    And honestly, there is such thing called inflation which sadly is happening a lot here. They're costs are going up so it's going to reflect in their prices. Right now they're apparently trying to mitigate it with costs to people who are doing what most people consider a luxury upgrade (being able to break contract early with no penalty and an incentive by having a slighty cheaper phone).

    I notice they're not affecting those who are no longer under contract (probably cause they still want to encourage that where as they have less incentive to encourage people to re-sign after a year since they still have them in a contract for a year).

    It's called running a business, realizing your prices are going up so you need to reflect that on to the customers (They're not a charity), and deciding where best to do price increases that won't chase off their customers.

    And for those pissed off and leaving for Verizon, from what I understand Verizon doesn't even allow early upgrades. So I fail to see if you are upset about early upgrade pricing going up, how Verizon will fix that. Cause with them your "early upgrade" will be the full price of the phone.

    Mar 5, 11:43 AM
    In the US

    Oct 1, 05:12 AM
    Very rainy morning as I sit here and drink my coffee before work..

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